Friday, May 23, 2008

Pentecost 2008

Pentecost Night Vigil held at Fatima Church was attended by thousands of Charismatics. some pictures are posted here.

Episcopal Consecration of Bishop Ponniah Joseph

Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, has appointed Rev. Fr. Joseph Ponniah, Vicar General of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, as auxiliary of the same diocese (area 8,397, population 1,545,129, Catholics 68,174, priests 66, religious 131). The bishop-elect was born in Thannamunai, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1980. [ Pontifical Acts - 19.02.2008 - VIS]
The Episcopal Ordination of of the Bishop-elect Msgr. Joseph Ponniah will be on 10th May 2008 at St. Mary's Co-Cathedral, Batticaloa by His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Kinglsey Swampillai, the Bishop of trinco-Batticaloa.
Very Rev. Fr. Ponniah Joseph, born on 12th October 1952, at Thannamunai, Batticaloa, was ordained a priest on 30th April 1980.
Having done his B.Ph at St. Paul's Seminary, Tiruchirapalli in South India, and B.Th in the Papal Seminary, Poona, India, returned to Sri Lanka for the Ordination. Thereafter he did B.A. in the Unversity of Peradeniya, Licentiate in Biblical Theology at Urbania University, Rome, and Ph.D in Christian Civilization at the Unversity of Jaffna.
He served at the Parishes of Batticaloa Cathedral, Vakarai, Veechukalmunai, Aiyithiyamalai, Periya Pullumalai and Thandavanvely. He was appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Minor Seminary, Batticaloa and served from 1993 to 1996. In 1996 he appointed as a Lecturer at the National Seminary, Ampitiya, Kandy in 1996 and was involved in the National Seminary formation and lecturing Sacred Scripture, Hinduism, Indian Philosophy and Catechetics, untill 2001.
He was also Resource persopn at the National Institute of Education, Maharagama, lecturing Religion in Tamil language to the teachers.
He was the Editor of the Diocesan Catholic Paper "VETTAPPU" and the Diocesan Bulletin. As a Spiritual Director he assisted the Legion of Mary and Divine Mercy Apostolates.
He was appointed as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Trinco-Batticaloa on 19th February 2006 and beside the commitments in the Diocese, he hab been lecturing at the Eastern University, Vandaramoolai, Batticaloa.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Cenacle

The Upper Room

Traditionally, the Upper Room or the Cenacle (Latin cenaculum for “dinner”) is the site of both the Last Supper and the place of assembly of disciples of Jesus on the Pentecost day. The building was spared during the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus (AD 70) and became the site of the first Christian church. It was later destroyed by Persian invaders and rebuilt by a monk called Modestus. During the Crusades, the building was razed to the ground by Muslims and replaced by the Crusaders with a basilica. Franciscan monks cared for the Cenacle from 1333 to 1552 when the Turks captured Jerusalem and banished all Christians.
After the Franciscan friars' eviction, this room was transformed into a
mosque, as evidenced by the mihrab in the direction of Mecca and an Arabic inscription prohibiting public prayer at the site. Christians were not allowed to return until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Following a visit by Pope John Paul II, the Israeli government arranged for its ownership to be transferred to the Catholic Church in return for a church in Toledo, Spain which had originally been a synagogue.[citation needed]
The Cenacle is divided by three pillars into three naves. The pillars and the arches, windows and other Gothic style architectural elements, a clear indication the room was built by the Crusaders in the early 13th century, on top of a much older structur
Some Christians believe it lies in the second floor of a building on
Mount Zion, in Jerusalem, just outside the Dormition Church behind the Franciscan house on Sion, and south of the Zion Gate in the Old City walls. In the basement of the building is what is supposed by Jewish leaders as King David's Tomb, although the Bible says David was buried in the city of David, which is south of Mount Moriah.

If the above assumptions are true, one striking fact is that the last discourse of Jesus in the Gospel of John in which he promises the Holy Spirit was done in the Upper Room. This promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled in the same place where it was promised. What a coincidence – or is it an indication the Lord fulfills his promises at the same place where it was made?
(Can you see in the background a vine with fruits? Remember the last discourse, John 15, I am the vine and you are the branches.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pentecost Vigils

All night Pentecost vigils are being held throughout the country. The vigils at St. Lucia's Cathedral, Colombo 13, St. Sebastian's Church, Moratuwa, St. Lawrence's, Wellawatee etc are expected to draw large crowds.

As reported earlier, the Tamil stream of the CCR is having its vigil at Fatima Church, Maradana, Colombo 10. The special feature will be the message by South Indian Catholic Evangelist Bro. Evans, the former director of Divine Retreat Centre, Chalakudy, Kerala.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Pentecost wishes

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Tamil Stream, Colombo wishes all its friends, benefactors, sister communities and all men of goodwill, the Grace of God during this Penectost Season. May the Lord bless, guide and use as an instrument to renew His Church and serve mankind without any discrimination of race, relgion etc. May the Lord bless our country, Sri Lanka, with peace and goodwill amongst all its people.

Pentecost Celebrations in the Up Country Sri Lanka

Programs scheduled for the Pentecost Week

10th Saturday - 7.30 pm. to 5 a.m. on Sunday with Holy Mass, Full Night Vigil at Fatima Church, Maradana, Colombo 10.(arrangements are made for those coming from distance to relax a few hours before and after the vigil

In the Up Country

Nawalapitiya - Queensbury Estate at 5.30 p.m. on Sunday the 11th - Contact Fr. Timothy at St. Mary's Nawalapitiya Phone 054 2222360

Katugastota, Sacred Heart Church, Monday the 12th at 5.30 p.m.

Hantane estate on Tuesday 13th at 5.30 p.m.

Contact Fr. Christie at St. Anthony's Cathedral Kandy.081 2223382 or 0718308177




The Pentecost Night vigil organised by the Colombo group of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is to be held at the Fatima Church, Maradana, Colombo 10.

It will start at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday the 10th May and conclude with Holy Mass at 5 a.m.

All are invited

A three day preparatory Good News meetings are being held currently (7th to 9th) at St. Anthony's Boys Maha Vidyalayam, Kochchikade, Colombo 13, daily at 6.00 pm.

A special feature will be the message by Brother Evans from Good News Centre, Vadakkankulam, Tuticorin Diocese, Tamilnadu.

A large number of people from every walk of life thronged at the first two days of the meetings held so far.

Friday, March 7, 2008

First Catholic studies centre in British university

London (PTI): The first centre for Catholic studies in a secular British university is being set up at Durham University in north England in collaboration with the Roman Catholic Church.

The centre will include the UK's first endowed chair of Catholic theology at a non-religious institution.

Funding for the centre and the Bede chair of Catholic theology has been raised through donations from the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, spearheaded by the late Right Rev Kevin Dunn, two religious orders and the Ballinger Trust.

For its part, the university will fund a lectureship in Catholic studies to support the centre and will contribute 10,000 pounds over three years as "seed money" for the project.

The university hopes to become a world-class centre for Catholic theology and is looking for a "leading Roman Catholic scholar" to become the first holder of the Bede chair.

University officials said that expressions of interest have already been received from around the world and the university hopes to make an appointment by September.

The director of the centre, Dr Paul Murray, said the centre would provide "the space" for Catholicism to be rigorously examined in a public setting, something that is important for all religions.

"It is for the good of all when religious traditions are brought into serious focus alongside each other and in dialogue with all the scholarly resources and diverse disciplinary expertise that the public university affords," he said.

"One of [the Catholic church's] weaknesses is providing the space where the whole body can think through with honesty what it means to live the Catholic tradition with creativity and integrity in the contemporary world."

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pope to meet with Muslims at seminar in November

March 5th, 2008


ROME (CNN) — Pope Benedict XVI plans to meet with Muslim scholars and religious leaders this autumn at a Catholic-Muslim seminar in Rome, the Vatican said Wednesday.

Two dozen scholars and leaders will be meeting Nov. 4 to 6. The pope — who will be receiving the seminar participants — is scheduled to meet with Muslim scholars on the last day of the conference.

The announcement came after prominent Muslims and Catholics held talks at the Vatican this week in which they agreed to establish a Catholic-Muslim forum and to organize the November seminar.

“The theme of the seminar will be ‘Love of God, Love of Neighbor,’” the Vatican said in a news release.



Blessed Alponsa was born on 19th August 1910 as the fourth child of Joseph and Mary Muttathupadath, in the parish of Kudamaloor in the state of Kerala. She was baptized on the 27th August. Her baptismal name was Anna and her pet name Annakutty. Her mother passed away three moths after her birth.

Annakutty started her schooling at Arpookara and left for Muttuchira Govt. School for pursuing her studies from the fourth class onwards under the immediate supervision of her maternal aunt Annamma Muricken. The aunt brought her up extremely affectionately, but equally strictly also. Her one ambition was that the child should be brought up as a respectable housewife for a deserving bridegroom. Annakutty had a vision of St. Theresa of Liseux whose life in spired her to become a religious. She therefore did not yield to any marriage proposal. Finally when she was almost compelled to be betrothed at to the church, she extricated herself from it by voluntary burning her foot placing it an ash pit of burning husks. Against such determine resistance the aunt succumbed to her desire and permitted her to join a convent .

Annakutty joined Clarist convent at Bharananganam in 1927 on the feast of Pentecost. She recived the veil postulant on second August 1928 with the name Alphonsa. Her vestition was on 19th May 1930. Later she joined the St. Theresa’s School Chenganacherry for higher studies, on completing which she engaged in teaching for a period of one year at Vakakkad. Sr. Alphonsa entered the novitiate on 12th August 1935. During this period, she had a sever attack of hemorrhage and it was feared that she would have to be sent back. But on the ninth day of novena held by her and the community seeking intercession of Fr. Kuriakose Elias Chavera, she was miraculously cured her. She completed the novitiate and made the solemn profession of her religious vows on 12th August 1936.

Sr. Alphonsa continued to have her repeated spells of sickness and pain. She was on a bed of thrones torn and tortured by excruciating pain and prolonged agony. Here was an rejoiced in the lord and magnified Him. She was longing to suffer even more for her own sanctification and that of the world.

She constantly advised her companions and novices to accept suffering cheerfully citing the biblical references to the grain of wheat which has to fall down and decay for raising new sprouts; it has to be ground in order to be turned into hosts for transformation as the body of Our Lord. She also reminded them of the grapes which have to be crushed for yielding wine to become the blood of the Lord.
Her death(28th July 1946) was unnoticed by the public. The funeral was simple and thinly attended. But soon the school children , who loved her received favors through her intercession. Her tomb at Bharananganam turned into a great centre of pilgrimage attracting people from far and near.

H.E. Cardinal Tisserant inaugurated the diocesan process for her beatification on 2nd December 1953. The Long diocesan and subsequent apostolic processes bore fruit when on 9th November 1984 the Holy Father officially declared that she had practiced the Christian virtues heroically. A miracle wrought through her intercession was also formally approved by the Pope on 6th July 1985.

Providence has been pleased to bestow on this generation the grace to see a daughter of the soil, a seed of the ancient Christian community of Kerala and India, beatified (8th February 1986) in her homeland by the Supreme Pontiff during his visit to this chosen land.

The formal announcement on the elevation of the Blessed Alphonsa of Bharananganam to full sainthood on October 12, 2008 has been hailed as a defining moment for not only the Christian community in Kerala but throughout the region of South Asia.

According to the authorities of the St. Mary’s Church at Bharananganam, where the mortal remains of Blessed Alphonsa have been interred, the announcement was made in Rome after a conclave of the consistory consisting of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinals and Bishops. The announcement came at 3 p.m. IST and the thousands of believers who had thronged the Alphonsa Chapel at the campus of the Forane Church at Bharananga- nam received it with prayers and a pyrotechnic display. The day at the chapel began early, with priests holding the Holy Mass throu ghout the day. Nearly 40 km away, at Kudamaloor, pilgri- ms queued up at the ancestral house of the Alphonsa.

Once declared saint, Sr. Alphonsa will be the second saint from India after St. Gonsalo Garcia. The diocesan process for the beatification of Sr. Alphonsa began on December 2, 1953.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI Appeals for Release of Iraqi Archbishop


The Archbishop was kidnapped last Friday after having celebrated the Way of the Cross in the Church of Holy Spirit Parish, on the eastern outskirts of the city. In the abduction three men, with the archbishop, were killed. A Sunni stronghold in the north of the country, Mosul is more or less under the full control of terrorists and religious militias. Just a few weeks ago, US forces in Iraq along with Baghdad decided to launch a massive military operation to “clean-up” the area. Ordinary citizens, from across the religious divide, are suffering the consequences of this difficult situation. But Christians are once again being faced with stark choices, leave their homes or; convert to Islam; pay the jizya – the tax imposed by the Koran on non Muslim subjects- or death.

Three Christians were killed in kidnapping of Mosul bishop buried in Karamles
The funerals were held on 01st March 2008 for the driver and two bodyguards. The same city also holds the tomb of Fr Ragheed, killed last year in the area where Archbishop Rahho was kidnapped yesterday. Sources in Iraq speak of "signs that leave hope that he may be alive". The appeal of the pope and the apprehension of the faithful and the patriarchate: the bishop is sick and needs his medicines.

An appeal "that reason and humanity may prevail in the authors of the kidnapping, and that Archbishop Rahho may be restored as soon as possible to the care of his flock" was launched yesterday evening by the pope. Benedict XVI says that he is "embittered by this execrable new act, which profoundly affects the whole Church in the country, and in particular the Chaldean Church". He also expresses his "closeness" to the patriarch, Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly (currently in Amman) and to "that entire, sorely tried Christian community, and also to the family members of the victims". The pope, finally, invited the universal Church "to unite with its fervent prayer the intention that the Iraqi people may find the path of reconciliation and peace".

The leaders of the Church in Iraq have been mobilised in the effort to liberate Archbishop Rahho, as have representatives of the Muslim community. The appeal from some Iraqi imams should come between today and tomorrow.

The archbishop of Mosul had in the past denounced the persecution of Christians taking place in the city, and had already received several threats. On June 3, 2007, in the area of the same church where his kidnapping took place yesterday, Fr Ragheed Gani and three subdeacons were shot to death. "In Mosul", recount the inhabitants, "we are all frightened, Christians and Muslims, we are afraid, but we are praying for the bishop".

In diocese throughout Iraq prayers are said around the clock for Msgr. Rahho’s safe return, while local TV’s continuously transmit appeals from Christian leaders and the Pope for his release. Ample space is also given to the condemnation of Shiite and Sunni leaders who have defined this kidnap as “against every principal of Islam”. Today the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nurial Maliki, specified that “attacking Christians means attacking the Iraqi people”. In a message sent to Chaldean Patriarch Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, the premier says that he has given instructions to “the minister for the Interior and the security forces in the province of Niniveh to work without rest to guarantee, as soon as possible, the return of the Archbishop of Mosul”. Card. Delly has just arrived in Baghdad from a recent visit to Amman.

Late News

Kidnappers of Mosul bishop, raise the ransom
Yesterday evening, another telephone call, increasing the ransom and dictating conditions which “complicate the case”. Still no guarantees on the “wellbeing” of the bishop, abducted on February 29th. These latest developments raise fears that these are no ordinary criminals interested solely in money. Iraq’s premier sends a message to the Chaldean Patriarch.
Mosul (AsiaNews) – The men who have the fate of Msgr. Paulos Faraj Rahho, Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul in their hands since February 29th last, have raised the ransom and dictated “political conditions” for his release, according to AsiaNews sources in Iraq, close to mediators who are negotiating his safe return. Late yesterday afternoon another phone call was made. The group which holds the bishop hostage, used Msgr. Rahoo’s mobile phone to communicate, but has still given no proof of his wellbeing. “It almost seems as if his release- anonymous sources in Mosul tell – is of secondary importance in their demands and the conditions which they have imposed greatly complicate matters, leading us to think that they are not just simple criminals interested in money”. Concern is increasing for the 67 year-old hostage who suffers ill health, for which he needs daily treatment.

In diocese throughout Iraq prayers are said around the clock for Msgr. Rahho’s safe return, while local TV’s continuously transmit appeals from Christian leaders and the Pope for his release. Ample space is also given to the condemnation of Shiite and Sunni leaders who have defined this kidnap as “against every principal of Islam”. Today the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al Maliki, specified that “attacking Christians means attacking the Iraqi people”. In a message sent to Chaldean Patriarch Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, the premier says that he has given instructions to “the minister for the Interior and the security forces in the province of Niniveh to work without rest to guarantee, as soon as possible, the return of the Archbishop of Mosul”. Card. Delly has just arrived in Baghdad from a recent visit to Amman

Church Faces Danger of False Prophets, Says Preacher

Lenten Meditation for Pope and Curia
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 29, 2008 ( The Church's preachers of the
word of God can become false prophets if they do not speak "as with
words of God," guarding against allowing their words to become "useless,"  said the preacher of the Pontifical Household.
Capuchin Father Rainero Cantalamessa said this today in the Lenten
meditation he delivered to Benedict XVI and the Roman Curia in the
Redemptoris Mater Chapel of the Apostolic Palace.
The sermon titled "'For Every Useless Word': Speaking 'as With Words of
God'" was the second in a series of Lenten meditations the preacher
will give this Lent.
The series, titled "The Word of God Is Living and Effective," reflects
the theme of the next Synod of Bishops on the word of God, to be held
in October.
In the first meditation, Father Cantalamessa discussed Jesus as the
preacher of good news; in today's reflection, he turned his attention to Jesus as that which is preached.
"When the Apostle wants to embrace the content of Christian preaching
with a single word, this word is always the person of Jesus Christ," he
said. "In these statements Jesus is no longer seen -- as in the Gospels -- in his quality as preacher, but as that which is preached.
Similarly, [] from the 'glad tidings' in which Jesus is the subject, one passes  to the 'glad tidings' in which Jesus is the object."
Useless word
Discussing Jesus' admonition that "men will have to answer for every
 useless word on the day of judgment," Father Cantalamessa contended, "The opposition between the word of God and the word of men is presented here, implicitly, as an opposition between the word 'that works' and the word 'that does not work,' between the effective word and the ineffective and vain word."
He continued, "The useless word, for which men will have to answer on
the Day of Judgment, is not, therefore, every and any useless word; it
is rather the useless, empty word pronounced by him who should instead
pronounce the 'energetic' words of God."
But the Pontifical Household preacher clarified: "The Bible is speaking
about us. That word of Jesus does not judge the world, but the Church;
the world will not be judged over useless words -- all of its words
are, in the sense described above, useless words! [] The 'men' who must
answer for every useless word are the men of the Church; we are the
preachers of the word of God.
"I too am the false prophet, every time that I do not entrust myself to
the 'weakness,' 'foolishness,' 'poverty' and 'nakedness' of the word
and I cover it up, and I esteem what I have clothed it in more than the
word itself, and the time that I spend covering it up is more than that
which I spend with the word, remaining before it in prayer, worshipping it and allowing it to live in me.
"In the era of mass communication the Church too runs the risk of
falling into the 'straw' of useless words, speaking just to say something, writing just because there are journals and newspapers to be filled."
The Capuchin noted, "The Holy Father reminded us of the necessity of
this fast from words in his Lenten meeting with the pastors of Rome and I believe, as is his wont, his invitation was not first directed to the
world but to the Church."
Father Cantalamessa had concrete advice for preachers.
He urged recollection before rising to proclaim God's word: "The
concern to keep the word of God distinct from every other word is such that, sending his apostles out on mission, Jesus commands them not to greet anyone on the way. I experienced at my own expense that sometimes this commandment must be obeyed to the letter.
"Stopping to greet people and exchange pleasantries as one is about to
begin preaching inevitably disturbs concentration on the word that is
to be announced and causes this word to lose its alterity in regard to
all human discourse. The same exigency is experienced -- or should be
experienced -- when one is vesting to celebrate Mass."
"The exigency is even greater when it is a matter of the content itself
of preaching," the Capuchin affirmed. "The word of God cannot be used
for other ends or to clothe already existing human discourses with the
mantle of divine authority. In times that are still near to us, one saw
where such a tendency led. The Gospel was used to support every type
of human project from class struggle to the death of God.
"Obviously, the reality of experience, and thus the human word, is not
excluded from the Church's preaching, but it has to be subordinated to
the word of God, to the service of this word.
"It is necessary, because of this, to have the courage more often to
begin, in treating the doctrinal and disciplinary problems of the Church, from the word of God, especially that of the New Testament, and to remain thus linked to it, bound by it, certain that in this way one will more surely discover, in every question, what the will of God is."
Making it mine
Father Cantalamessa acknowledged, "I realize that a grave objection can
be raised to what I am saying. Should the Church's preaching, then,
reduce itself to a sequence -- or a barrage -- of biblical citations,
with so many indications of chapter and verse, in a manner reminiscent of the Jehovah's Witnesses and other fundamentalist groups? Certainly
"What does it mean to 'speak in Christ,' or to speak 'as with the words
of God'?," he asked. "It means that the fundamental inspiration, the
thought that 'informs' and rules everything else, must come from God,
not from man."
The Pontifical Household preacher said there are two ways to prepare
any proclamation of the faith.
"I can sit down at the desk and choose for myself which word to
proclaim and the theme to develop, basing myself on my knowledge, my
preferences, etc., and then, once the discourse is prepared, get on my knees to hastily ask God to bless that which I have written and make my words effective. [] The contrary is what should be done. First, get on your knees and ask God what the word is that he wants to speak; then, sit at the desk and use your own knowledge to give a body to that word. This changes everything because it is not God who must make my word his, but it is I who make his word mine."
"It is necessary to begin with the certainty of faith that, in every
circumstance, the Risen Lord has a word in his heart that he wants to
reach his people," Father Cantalamessa said. "It is that which changes
things and it is that which must be discovered. And he will not fail to
reveal it to his servant, if his servant asks for it humbly and
"Then go to your desk, open your books, consult your notes, consult the
Fathers of the Church, the masters, the poets. But it is already
something else. It is no longer the Word of God at the service of your
culture but your culture at the service of the Word of God."
Clay pots
Father Cantalamessa affirmed that this type of preaching is not easy:
"After having indicated the conditions of Christian proclamation --
speaking of Christ with sincerity as moved by God and under his gaze -- the apostle asks: 'And who is up to this task?'
"It is plain that no one is up to it. We carry this treasure in earthen
vessels. We can, however, pray and say: Lord, have mercy on this poor
clay pot that must carry the treasure of your word; [] let us once
taste your word so that we know how to distinguish it from all others and so that every other word will appear insipid to us. Spread hunger
 throughout the land, as you promised, 'not a hunger for bread, or a thirst for water, but for hearing the word of the Lord.'"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

St. Padre Pio’s tomb unearthed

“As if he just had a mainicure”

ROME: Church officials have exhumed the remains of Padre Pio, a hugely popular Italian saint whose body is due to go on public display later this year, officials said on Monday.

Bishop Domenico D’Ambrosio, a Vatican-appointed envoy who oversaw the unearthing on Sunday night, said the body was well preserved.

Padre Pio, a mystic Capuchin monk who had an enormous following in Italy and abroad, died in 1968 after living for decades with inexplicable, bleeding wounds on his hands and feet, like the wounds Jesus suffered at crucifixion. Pope John Paul II made him a saint in 2002.

Church officials wanted to exhume the body so the faithful can pray before it, since this year marks the 40th anniversary of his death. They also wanted to take measures to ensure it was being well preserved.

Bishop D’Ambrosio said there was no sign of the so-called stigmata on his limbs after an initial examination on Sunday and Monday. But he said that otherwise, the body had been “conserved well.”

“Padre Pio’s fingernails are as if he had just had a manicure,” Bishop D’Ambrosio said. — AP news item

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Rev. Fr. Joseph Ponniah,

Auxiliary Bishop of Batticaloa

[ Vatican Information Service - 19.02.2008 ]

Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, has appointed Rev. Fr. Joseph Ponniah, Vicar General of Trincomalee-Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, as auxiliary of the same diocese (area 8,397, population 1,545,129, Catholics 68,174, priests 66, religious 131). The bishop-elect was born in Thannamunai, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1980.

Very Rev. Fr. Ponniah Joseph, born on 12th October 1952, at Thannamunai, Batticaloa, was ordained a priest on 30th April 1980.

Having done his B.Ph at St. Paul's Seminary, Tiruchirapalli in South India, and B.Th in the Papal Seminary, Poona, India, returned to Sri Lanka for the Ordination. Thereafter he did B.A. in the Unversity of Peradeniya, Licentiate in Biblical Theology at Urbania University, Rome, and Ph.D in Christian Civilization at the Unversity of Jaffna.

He served at the Parishes of Batticaloa Cathedral, Vakarai, Veechukalmunai, Aiyithiyamalai, Periya Pullumalai and Thandavanvely. He was appointed as the Rector of St. Joseph's Minor Seminary, Batticaloa and served from 1993 to 1996. In 1996 he appointed as a Lecturer at the National Seminary, Ampitiya, Kandy in 1996 and was involved in the National Seminary formation and lecturing Sacred Scripture, Hinduism, Indian Philosophy and Catechetics, untill 2001.

He was also Resource persopn at the National Institute of Education, Maharagama, lecturing Religion in Tamil language to the teachers.

He was the Editor of the Diocesan Catholic Paper "VETTAPPU" and the Diocesan Bulletin. As a Spiritual Director he assisted the Legion of Mary and Divine Mercy Apostolates. He was appointed as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Trinco-Batticaloa on 19th February 2006 and beside the commitments in the Diocese, he hab been lecturing at the Eastern University, Vandaramoolai, Batticaloa.

Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran passes away


It is with profound sadness that we record the passing away of Bro. Dr. G. G. S. Dhinakaran. Though with CSI background, he was a great friend and lover of the Catholics. In fact, he has had rallies jointly with the Catholic Charismatic Leadership of Chennai at the Marina Beach. I have copied his profile from JESUS CALLS website.

Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran is the founder of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Born on July 1, 1935, he had a very tough life being torn by the ailments of poverty and agony of unemployment.

Unable to bear the agony of these problems, on February 11, 1955, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran decided to put an end to his life. He started towards the nearest railway track in his village to throw himself before the speeding train when he was stopped by his uncle who introduced Jesus Christ. He experienced a sudden wave of divine peace and hope, flood his heart. His mind was transformed and he returned home enlightened.

After this incident, things started happening in him supernaturally. There arose an unquenchable thirst in him to spend hours together poring over the life-transforming pages of eternal Truth - The Bible, discovering secrets that could revolutionize human life. He spent hours talking to God and sought Him with all his heart.

The High Calling

Seven years of diligently seeking the Lord Jesus Christ!

On October 9, 1962, he tarried at the feet of the Lord Jesus in prayer till midnight. He pleaded persistently. "Lord! Hear my prayer now and grant me Your power! Or else, slay me! I don't want to live as a powerless and phoney Christian!" Next day dawned. 10th October 1962! After an exacting day in the bank, he returned home at 9.30 in the night. Supper over, he joined the family prayers. He longed to have a glimpse of blessed vision of Jesus. The very next moment, a divine presence appeared in front of him! He was thrown into an ecstasy of joy. The Lord opened His eyes and with a radiant face, addressed him with a smile:

"My beloved son! I am Christ! Because you have been seeking Me diligently, I have come seeking you Myself, to bless you".

Yes! For three full hours he saw Lord Jesus face to face. The Lord gave His commission that has made his life a continual blessing to countless.

"My son! People might have heard of My love, but they haven't tasted it. So, I pour My love and compassion in your heart! This love will console their broken hearts and heal their diseased bodies. You will be witness to the power of My Holy Spirit."

Birth of a Ministry

With a glorious vision and words of assurance, God blessed Dr.Dhinakaran His servant profusely for persistently seeking Him.

Thus, the 'JESUS CALLS MINISTRY' came into being as a one-man ministry. Dr.Dhinakaran considered men and women from all over the world, irrespective of their caste, creed, race or language, as his own brothers and sisters. He considered their tears as his own and preached to them the love and compassion of Christ. He invoked the Lord's blessings and pleaded Him to perform miracles that will wipe away the tears of the multitudes.

Apart from his job as a top executive in a bank, he devoted himself to God's ministry with utmost zeal. The power of Christ was manifest in his preaching and prayers. "Jesus Calls Ministry" spread far and wide. Today with God's grace, it has grown into a multi-faceted far-flung ministry, spreading the Good News to the world in 20 different ways.

His wife Stella has stood with him in all his joys and sorrows and also extends her hand in the ministry of wiping tears of millions and building up broken homes. His son Paul has been working with him from the age of 18, when he received the call from the Lord.

The Power of Anointing

On October 10, 1962, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Since then, whenever he preaches and prays at public meetings, he displays a rare power of interpreting different languages, and speaks the word of wisdom and knowledge. He also meets people personally and replies to letters sent to him by people who search for serenity and comfort in their lives.

During the prayer time at public meetings, guided by the Holy Spirit within Him, he calls out the names of people who are in the crowd and exactly reveals their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical conditions. These people run to the dais and testify confirming what Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran said about their lives is true.

In some meetings, he calls out a few people from the crowd and right before the huge crowd of over four hundred thousands, and reveals their past, their present and foretells the future. People are amazed by the powerful acts of God.

Hundreds of thousands of people write to him seeking solutions to problems that are beyond human comprehension. Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran is inspired by the Holy Spirit to send replies to all the letters he receives. Some problems are so critical that the lives of some people may depend on the answer that comes from above through Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran.

On several occasions, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran's prayers have stopped a heavy downpour. Such is the power of his prayers that God answers it immediately.

The Trial

On May 21, 1986, a great tragedy struck this spiritual giant! That was his ultimate test of his faith. He lost his only daughter Angel Dhinakaran in a car accident. He was shattered and forsaken. Even today, when he remembers her, he is filled with tears. Yet he did not give up. He recovered from the great shock and continues his ministry in wiping the tears of millions who are in need of Christ's love and compassion.

Bro. Dhinakaran passed away on 20th February to be with the Lord and leaves his son Paul to continue the ministry. The funeral will take place on 22nd.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Vatican goes on a road show.

When you're one of the planet's foremost cultural and religious institutions, the world tends to come to you. Those who want to see art commissioned by the popes or vie for an up close look at Pope Benedict XVI's fisherman's ring generally have to brave a trip to Rome.

''Vatican Splendors From Saint Peter's Basilica, the Vatican Museums and the Swiss Guard,'' which opened this month at Florida International Museum, brings some of the Catholic Church's most exquisite items on a three-city U.S. tour.

It is not some watered-down collection, as the exhibit's first room demonstrates.

''The Madonna del Sassoferrato,'' a painting of the Virgin Mary that has graced many holiday cards but never been exhibited outside Rome, is one of the first works to greet visitors. And at the center of the room is a display case with a silver and gold reliquary said to contain the bones of St. Peter and other saints.

But the star of the room, and indeed the collection, is the Mandylion of Edessa. For believers, the gaunt, bearded face staring from the cloth is the likeness of Jesus, and is among a rare class of artifacts deemed ''not made by human hands.''

Religious lore has it that Jesus pressed a handkerchief to his face, leaving an indelible imprint of his likeness much like the Shroud of Turin. Scientific evidence suggests it is a painting, but regardless, the object remains one of the Vatican's prized possessions.

Other segments of the show offer similarly awe-inspiring pieces. Mosaics dating as far back as the eighth century, a compass supposedly used by Michelangelo, and portraits, statues and papal vestments are among the roughly 200 items on display.

So, too, are dozens of items created by and for the popes, including the iconic staff Pope John Paul II was often filmed with and Benedict XVI's fisherman's ring, one of the first items conferred to new popes.

''This is just a taste of all the wealth of art and its beauty the Vatican owns,'' said Monsignor Roberto Zagnoli, one of three curators of the Vatican Museums.

He accompanied the exhibit to Florida, the first of three stops in the United States. After it closes here in May, the exhibit moves on to Cleveland, Ohio, and finally St. Paul, Minnesota. The items then return to Rome, where they cannot be absent for more than a year.''Even if you go to Rome, you won't see some of these things,'' said Peter Radetsky, a former professor and writer who helped develop the exhibit. ''They're just not displayed.''

Some of the items have been to North America before on a previous tour of items from the Vatican Museums. And at least one journeyed across the Atlantic prior to that _ a wooden missal stand wrapped in fish scales that was reportedly used by Christopher Columbus' chaplain on his voyages to the Americas.


Premeditated Mobs attack Christians

Hindu extremists exploit economic fears to launch attacks on Christians.

by Vishal Arora

Observers and Christian leaders say India's largest incident of sustained anti-Christian violence, which rendered thousands homeless in Orissa State, was preplanned.

The violence began on Christmas Eve, with an attack on a Catholic church in Brahmani village, and continued until January 2. Christian leaders told the National Human Rights Commission that 9 people had been killed, close to 90 churches burned, about 600 houses torched or vandalized, and thousands displaced.

Three months before the series of attacks, a newspaper had warned that tensions were brewing between the Christian and non-Christian tribal communities over governmental affirmative-action benefits. During Christmas week, local Christians had urged district authorities to provide police protection. Their pleas went unheeded.

Christians make up an estimated 16 percent of the 650,000 people in Kandhamal district. More than 60 percent of them belong to the Pana community and are classified as "Scheduled Castes," better known as Dalits (formerly "Untouchables"). Their demand for recognition as a tribal community is opposed by the largely Hindu Kui people, as it would increase the number of candidates eligible for government-reserved jobs.

With elections due in 10 other states this year and a general election scheduled for 2009, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) plans to use religion-related issues to polarize voters. This tactic, Christians fear, could increase the incidence of anti-Christian violence.

The Orissa State government transferred both the district collector and the police superintendent for failing to prevent the violence. Orissa's population of 36 million includes fewer than 900,000 Christians.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Portrait of a President of the United States

American Bible Society Conducts Zogby Poll That Reveals the Answer

NEW YORK, /Christian Newswire/ -- The American Bible Society has discovered what America wants in a President, based upon research done through a Zogby Poll. A nationwide survey of likely voters shows that the majority of those questioned want someone who mirrors biblical ideals of leadership. Truthfulness and integrity, by far, topped the list of the characteristics respondents feel are most important. And they say they want a leader who is, in essence, a servant and mindful of accountability to God.

Three-quarters of the likely voters agree that it is appropriate that every President since George Washington has been sworn into office with a hand on a Bible. Also, about six in ten say that they would be more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who speaks publicly about following the example of admirable leaders from the Bible and who consistently uses the Bible for guidance in both public and personal matters.

A whopping 78 percent of respondents--86 percent of women and 68 percent of men--view candidates citing Scripture, when speaking about political positions, as positive.

A surprising number of respondents (95 percent) said they have some interaction with the Bible, ranging from well aware to exploring the contents of the Bible.

Interestingly, younger respondents are more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who sees the office as a privilege to serve others, with a responsibility to God. Some 84 percent of those 18-29 said this would have an impact on their vote, while only 62 percent of respondents 50-64 said this would influence their decision.

In addition, nearly 50 percent of likely voters indicated that they would not vote for a presidential candidate who does not believe in God, while 20 percent said they would vote for such a candidate and another 20 percent agree that this would not affect their vote.

Participants in the poll, conducted January 25-27, were evenly divided geographically and mirror the U.S. population with reference to age and race. The survey of 1008 adults has a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percent.

Those responding tended to be rather well-educated, with 75 percent reporting some college education or having a college degree. And nearly one quarter said they were born-again.

Did Tsunami strike Sri Lanka in 1627?


Did tsunami occur on 20th February 1627?

Both Tamil and Sinhala chronicles record that there was a deluge in the 2nd century A. D. There are alsosome references to deluges in the Sangam literature which even speaks of an immensely large continent south of Sri Lanka which in later years came to be known as Lemuria by scholars. But it was called Kumari kandam in the Tamil writings.

However, there is some interesting news coming from the tamil website Tamilwin. It says that some referenes are found in the Portuguese documents that Jaffna was flooded by high rising tides on 20th February 1627 . But fuller details are not available. At that time, Jaffna was under the rule of the Portuguese.

With the rise of tides, the people inside the fort took refuge inside a church dedicated to Our Lady of Miracles. Many boats were carried away to a distance of one mile. Those people who escaped this disaster considered that they were saved by the miraculous intervention of the Lady of Miracles. The Portuguese have recorded that this type of disaster had not taken before.

The Pannai sea which is in the close vicinity of the Fort is not a deep sea. The The Arabian Sea was then called Theedai Kadal locally. The Pannai Sea used to be dry during the summer. If according to the records the waves had come over the walls of the fort, it would have been definitely due to a Tsunami and caused serious damages to the peninsula and other parts of Sri Lanka.

Lent means following Jesus, taking responsibility for sin, says pope

By Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – To enter into Lent is to get serious about taking responsibility for one's own sinfulness and about following Jesus, especially in caring for the poor, Pope Benedict XVI said.

Lent, the pope said, is "a time of particular commitment in the spiritual battle against the evil present in the world, in each of us and around us."

Pope Benedict spoke about the meaning of Lent at his Feb. 10 midday Angelus prayer, just a few hours before beginning a weeklong retreat with his closest aides. During the week, all papal audiences are canceled.

The pope said Lent is a time "to look evil in the face and prepare to battle against its effects and especially against its causes, to the point of the ultimate cause, which is Satan."

"It means not blaming the problem of evil on others, on society or on God, but recognizing one's own responsibility," he said.

The only effective way to face sin is to be serious about following Jesus, who conquered sin through his suffering, death and resurrection, the pope said.

"The way of the cross is, in fact, the only path that leads to the victory of love over hatred, sharing over selfishness, peace over violence," he said.

Pope Benedict ended his short talk by promising to remember the sick in his prayers during the retreat and by thanking those who would pray for him during the week.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Glory of God: A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday

dbennettGlory of God

David Bennett, co-editor of Ancient and Future Catholics, and ChurchYear.Net, is from Ohio and graduated from Ohio University with a B.A. in Psychology, and from Emory University with a Master of Theological Studies. Currently, he is pursuing a post-Master's certificate in Religious Education. David was officially received and confirmed into the Catholic Church on August 14, 2004, after spending four years in the Anglican church. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Currently, he is the religion department chair at a Catholic High School. He enjoys being with his family, wife Jennifer, friends, and 3 cats. He enjoys coffee, golf, tennis, target shooting, reading, writing, health, and music. He was married in September 2007.

David has written and spoken on a variety of topics, including Sacraments, the Eucharist, the Bible, the Church, the Charismatic Movement, Inclusive Language, the Nicene Creed, Postmodern Ecumenism, Evangelism, Liturgical Worship, his conversion to the Catholic Church, Christmas, Easter, Lent, Trinity Sunday, and many more topics in a variety of Catholic Articles, Church Year Informational Materials, and blog posts.

The Glory of God: A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday

By David Bennett

This sermon was originally delivered to the Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) in Athens, Ohio on Transfiguration Sunday, 2000. The author of this sermon has now joined the Catholic Church.

Today's texts all involve the glory of God revealed to humankind in a real and powerful way. These are some of the rare times in the Bible where the tremendous glory of the Trinity was revealed directly to human beings. Most of the time God's glory was revealed in more subtle ways, such as through miracles or wise teaching. Today's text from Luke involves God's glory revealed by Jesus. This text is traditionally referred to as "The Transfiguration."

The Eastern Orthodox Study Bible concisely describes the Transfiguration as, "the demonstration that Jesus is the Lord of glory despite the fact that he will later suffer and die on the cross." It is a foreshadowing of the Risen Lord. I guess you could say that the experience the apostles had on the mountain was a break from all the madness of the world. It was a brief, but important, encounter with God's glory, and God's plan for all people. The transfiguration of Jesus revealed to his closest disciples the heavenly transformation to glory that awaits all the saints of Christ. The text from 2nd Peter makes the point that the revelation of the Transfiguration proves that Christianity is more than just a novel superstition. Christianity is about the Power of the Son of God.

Perhaps we should take the time to examine the men who saw God's glory face to face. They were as human as can be. Moses, mentioned in today's OT text, while being a great man of God, and a hero to the Hebrews, wasn't even allowed to set foot in the Promised Land. Yet he still saw God face to face. Moses once told the Lord, "I have never been eloquent, neither now or in the past, for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." This does not sound like the type of person God would choose to meet face to face. But despite Moses' failings as a human being, he experienced God's glory.

Peter, James, and John, who witnessed the transfiguration, all had their faults too. Peter denied Jesus when the going got rough. Let's face it; Peter wasn't the brightest star in the sky either. He was pretty dense. The Gospel authors seem to poke fun at Peter for his many mishaps. The truth is that any one of our names could be placed within the gospels in place of Peter's. It comes as a relief to me to find that even the future "rock" of the church was as plagued by confusion and doubt as we are, yet he was revealed God's glory.

James and John had their problems too. They woefully misunderstood the Kingdom when they asked to be Jesus' right and left hand men once the Kingdom came. They were probably just as thickheaded as poor Peter was. Yet they too saw the Glory of God in the most real way any human probably could. I guess my point is that you don't have to be perfect to experience God, just willing to follow.

I believe there is great comfort in the story of the transfiguration. There is comfort in the future glory that the transfiguration has revealed to us. This glory is our hope. Peter probably died around 67 AD. According to church tradition he was crucified upside-down, as he was not worthy to be crucified the same way his Lord was. His life was probably neither fun nor productive by today's standards. He was poor and a member of an outcast religion. He was most likely either misunderstood or despised by the majority of people he came in contact with, both in the Jewish and Roman worlds. Yet he and many other followers of a Nazarene carpenter died for the belief they had in the Power of the Son of God. The mystical transfiguration experience probably sat in Peter's mind throughout all of the persecutions he endured; perhaps he could vividly recall it any time he wanted to. Maybe the exact details were becoming hazy, but I would bet that as he was hanging upside-down, he had a good vision of what awaited him after he took his final breath.

I don't think that anyone sitting here will see God's glory right now the way Peter did. (Though I have to add that since I believe in miracles I won't eliminate the possibility). However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, there are still many ways that we can witness and know the same Lord of glory written about in the book of Luke. We can do this through the mystery of the body and the blood, through prayer and meditation, through the weekly liturgy, through observing the church calendar, or by simply reading the Bible. I often see God's glory in nature, through his meticulous and colorful creation. Whenever I get too stressed a drive in the country helps me to get it together and remember how big the whole picture really is. A brisk hike or an intense run at the scenic State Park is a good way for me to see God's glory up close. Usually at the beginning of a run I am thanking God for the beautiful day, and at the end thanking Him I didn't collapse. I also see God's glory through other people, such as my amazing friends, family, professors, girlfriend, and church family. The great theologian C.S. Lewis suggested that we could get a glimpse of the eternal through fine music and that heart-warming feeling called "nostalgia." Many of you out there today have other ways you feel God's glory. I was just told today by a friend at Good Shepherd that she feels God's glory by praying in tongues.

I think the glory of God is all around us and available to us; I guess sometimes we just don't look for it, or maybe we've honestly forgotten how to look, or maybe we expect to see it directly as Peter did. Unfortunately we won't see it in full until we die. Until that day we can only get sneak previews, breaks from the madness of the world, much like Peter, James, and John got on a mountain over 1900 years ago.

As I end here, I want to pray that I will always live in the hope of glory that is due to God's faithful saints, and I hope that I will never cease to find previews of God's amazing glory in the strangest places.

Priest Penalized for Praying in Algeria

2006 Pro-Islam Law Begins to Have Effects
ROME, FEB. 13, 2008 ( A Catholic priest was sentenced by
the tribunal of Oran, a city in northwestern Algeria, to a year in prison for having "directed a religious ceremony in a place which has not been recognized by the government."
Father Pierre Wallez is the first victim of legislation approved in
March 2006 regarding the exercise of the practices of non Muslim worship, in this North African country of 33 million residents, 99% of whom are Muslim.
Speaking Saturday on Vatican Radio, Archbishop Henri Teissier of Alger,
explained that "the most surprising thing is that the conviction was
issued simply because the priest visited a group of Christians in
Cameroon. He had not celebrated Mass, but was only joining them in a prayer. It was Dec. 29, a little after Christmas."
The prelate clarified that the sentence will not be carried out,
because the tribunal decided to modify it to a sentence of parole.
"Obviously we are all very shocked by the decision made against our
brother," the archbishop said.
According to a report by the Italian daily Avvenire, along with Father
Wallez, a young Muslim doctor was condemned to a harsher punishment(two years without parole) for using medicines "paid for by Caritas,"
sources from the Algers archdiocesan office said.
"They systematically reject entrance visas for our delegates," stated
the archbishop, "and in November they withdrew the residency permission
for four young Brazilian priests who were working with the
Portuguese-speaking African immigrants."
In Algeria, Islam is the state religion, and freedom of worship is
purportedly guaranteed by the constitution. The new law on worship sought above all to control clandestine evangelical proselytizing groups, which Archbishop Tessier said, "have made something of a racket because of the conversion of some of the faithful."
The law, composed of 17 articles, prohibits the exercise of non-Islamic
worship outside buildings approved by authorities.
An article allows for fines and prison for anyone "who changes the
original function of places of worship" or "incites, coerces, or uses
persuasive means to oblige a Muslim to embrace another religion."
The same penalties are also applied to those who "produce, store, or
distribute publications or audio or video material or other means
oriented toward undermining faith in Islam."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sister Lucia's Beatification Process to Begin

Sister Lucia's Beatification Process to Begin
Pope Waves 5-Year Waiting Period
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 13, 2008 ( Benedict XVI announced he
will dispense with the five-year waiting period established by Canon Law  to open the cause of beatification of Sister Lucia, one of the three Fatima visionaries.
The news was announced today in the cathedral of Coimbra, Portugal, by
 Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Saints'
 Causes, on the third anniversary of the Carmelite's death.
The Holy Father dispensed with the established waiting period once
before for the cause of Pope John Paul II. Benedict XVI made the
announcement on May 13, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, some 42 days after the Pontiff's death in 2005.
John Paul II waived the waiting period in the case of Blessed Teresa of
Calcutta. The blessed died Sept. 5, 1997, and was beatified by John
Paul II on Oct. 19, 2003.
A communiqué of the Vatican press office states: "Benedict XVI, taking
into account the petition presented by Bishop Albino Mamede Cleto of Coimbra, and supported by numerous bishops and faithful from all parts of the world, has revoked the five-year waiting period established by the canonical norms (cf. Article 9 of the 'Normae Servandae'), and he has allowed for the diocesan phase of the Carmelite's cause of
beatification to begin three years after her death."
Lucia de Jesus dos Santos was 10 years old when she said she saw for
the first time, on May 13, 1917, a lady whom she later identified as the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Cova de Iria.
She saw the vision with her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who
were beatified by John Paul II in Fatima, in 2000.
In a pastoral letter dated Oct. 13, 1930, the bishop of Leiria-Fatima,
José Alves Correia da Silva, declared the apparitions of Fatima worthy
of faith and allowed public devotion. Since then, the shrine has become
a center of spirituality and pilgrimage of international scope.
Born in Aljustrel in 1907, Lucia moved to Oporto in 1921, and at 14 was
admitted as a boarder in the School of the Sisters of St. Dorothy in
Vilar, on the city's outskirts.
On Oct. 24, 1925, she entered the Institute of the Sisters of St.
Dorothy and at the same time was admitted as a postulant in the
congregation's convent in Tuy, Spain, near the Portuguese border. She made her first vows on Oct. 3, 1928, and her perpetual vows on Oct. 3, 1934, receiving the name Sister Mary of the Sorrowful Mother.
She returned to Portugal in 1946 and two years later entered the
Carmelite convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra, where she made her profession as a Discalced Carmelite on May 31, 1949, taking the name Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.
She wrote two volumes, one entitled "Memories" and the other "Appeals
of the Fatima Message." In her writings, she recounts how the Virgin
Mary and Child Jesus appeared to her on other occasions, years after the initial apparitions.
The mortal remains of the Carmelite were moved in 2006 to the Shrine of
Fatima. The body of the nun, who died at age 97, is buried next to
 Jacinta. Francisco is buried in the same basilica.